Your Weekly Horoscope for June 20, 2021

The same day, lucky Jupiter goes retrograde in fellow intuitive watery Pisces – where it’s been since May 13 – heading backward where it’ll eventually land in future-minded, rational airy Aquarius again on July 28.

But don’t be surprised if everything still feels kind of heavy and intense, because on Thursday, June 24, the full moon in Capricorn lights up the sky.

Sure, we’re just coming out of many months of quarantine, but you’re about to crave that warm and fuzzy feeling you can only get from hanging with your loved ones and keeping it low-key, thanks to the confident sun moving through your fourth house of home life from Sunday, June 20 to Thursday, July 22.

And once messenger Mercury ends its retrograde and moves forward in your second house of income from Tuesday, June 22 to Sunday, July 11, you can begin to take action on any moneymaking projects that’ve been on hold.

And when messenger Mercury ends its retrograde and moves forward in your sign from Tuesday, June 22 to Sunday, July 11, you might breathe a sigh of relief, feeling like you can more easily express yourself and make moves on the big-picture goals you’ve been perfecting over the past three weeks.

It might be a bit of a slow start filled with more daydreaming than taking action at first , but you’ll still get to revel in everything that brings you joy and contentment now – from connecting with loved ones to leaning into your fave creative outlet.

You could feel more private than usual and drawn to resting, recharging, and letting your imagination wander while the confident sun, your ruler, moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from Sunday, June 20 to Thursday, July 22.

And once your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, end its retrograde and moves forward in your tenth house of career from Tuesday, June 22 to Sunday, July 11, you’ll get the green light to get after your long-term professional aspirations once more – all while applying any lessons you’ve learned over the past three weeks, of course.

On Monday, June 21, artistic Venus, your ruler, in your tenth house of career forms a harmonizing trine to spiritual Neptune in your sixth house of daily routine, potentially spurring creative ideas about how you can makeover your day-to-day work life to better support your emotional well-being.

And while dreamy Neptune is retrograde in your fifth house of romance from Friday, June 25 to Wednesday, December 1, you could gain a better sense of what’s happening in a current relationship, if you’re attached, or what you want out of a future match, if you’re single.

And around Thursday, June 24, when the full moon is in your twelfth house of spirituality, you might need a time-out from your usual routine to chill, rest, and tend to your heart.

And with the full moon forming a sweet, friendly sextile to lucky Jupiter in your third house of communication, talking through your needs with a close confidant can be a reassuring, supportive experience.

While you might be especially focused on tracking all the data from your Apple Watch or beating a personal record, don’t forget to give yourself credit for emotional and mental gains you could make through small steps whether that’s more regularly seeing your therapist or ensuring meditation is a part of your nightly wind down.

If you’re attached, you’ll find new, fun-loving ways to connect with your honey , and if you’re single, you’ll be empowered to put yourself out there more in a fearless, take-charge, playful way.

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