Younger Generations Are Leading the Niche Travel Trend | TravelPulse

These travelers, who were born between 1991 and 2005 and were designated as ‘Generation Hashtag’ in the report, showed the highest percentages of all age groups for one question: whether or not a product that was tailored to their needs influenced them to choose that product.

The report also touched on some of the different types of niche travel and whether or not the desire for them grew from 2018 to 2021.

As such, perceived value is rarely down to just cost,” said Craig Bradley, Associate Travel & Tourism Analyst at GlobalData.

Why might younger generations prefer niche-style travel? Experiences are more important to these generations than other factors, including cost.

Another question you might ask is this: how does one find niche travel? That depends, but the biggest tip we can give is to check in with a travel advisor.

Another piece of advice is to first figure out which travel style and niche you actually want to experience, as well as the questions you should answer as you plan your trip.

The younger generations, soon to become the dominant ones in the travel industry, are leading the growth in niche travel.

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