World Bank Approves $125 Million Program to Support a Green and Resilient Kerala

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We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth.

The heavy monsoons of 2018 were the worst Kerala had seen in nearly a century, triggering devastating floods and landslides.

First, it will incorporate disaster risk planning in the master plans of urban and local self-governments to ease financial constraints on the state government when faced with unexpected shocks.

It helped the state draft a River Basin Conservation and Management Act, which will conserve and regulate water resources and ensure their sustainable management, allocation, and utilization.

“In today’s context of increased economic, climatic, and health shocks, building resilience of economies is a policy imperative,” said Junaid Ahmad, World Bank Country Director in India.

This area is a microcosm of the state, with tropical monsoon forests, dense urban settlements, and the rice bowl of Kerala in its lowlands.

“The groundwork laid during the first program improved the government’s capacity to assess and respond to disasters.

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