Willie Nelson’s cannabis conference plants the seed of social justice, wellness

“I just saw where in Texas now, it’s going to be legal to carry a gun around openly.

Nelson’s remarks during Luck Summit: Planting the Seed came at the end of a virtual birthday bash that recapped highlights from three days of panels, musical performances, sketch comedy and more.

“It did so not on any scientific or medical grounds,” O’Rourke said.

Cannabis Council, reminded viewers that the Minnesota police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile during a traffic stop in 2016 said a smell of marijuana in Castile’s car made him fear for his life.

“When I was smoking cigarettes and drinking a lot of whiskey and doing everything else, I wasn’t healthy.

Later, as he began to consume cannabis as part of his post-practice routine, he realized he didn’t need the pain pills anymore.

I wanted to see how long I could go into the season without having to take a shot or get pain pills,” he said.

In between panel clips, the birthday bash included performance segments, everyone from art rockers the Flaming Lips to Austin’s Jackie Venson.

I wish I could go do it tonight, you know? I think people can see me and realize that, you know, whatever you’re doing can’t be that bad.

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