Why the Shift from Measuring GDP to Green Growth Matters

Simon Kuznets, the illustrious economist and statistician often referred to as the “Father” of Gross Domestic Product , once warned, “The welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measurement of national income as defined by GDP.” Despite Kuznets’ warning, GDP has evolved as the primary measure of a nation’s prosperity, health and well-being.

Not only is the average global temperature rising at unprecedented rates, but over 97 percent of climate scientists around the globe have identified the same culprit: human activity.

One of them, Johan Rockström, is the mind behind the internationally renowned “Planetary Boundary” framework that identifies nine processes that regulate the stability and resilience of the Earth System.

For this reason, the skeptic should consider embracing guidelines such as a planetary boundaries framework, as it serves as a warning sign that screams, “Unknown Territory!” Climate scientists understand the boundaries we have comfortably lived in for thousands of years.

Economic output is measured as value added in an entity over time , then, is the value generated per CO2e unit used.

However, carbon productivity is a wonderful start as the warming planet directly influences all of these natural systems. In addition, they debunk common critiques of green growth and conduct a case study using Nordic countries to highlight evidence of genuine green growth.

Sweden, Finland and Denmark all exceeded the 5 percent CAPRO pa threshold between 2003 and 2014.

Genuine green growth, deftly defined by these authors, can be calculated by anyone.

Take a look at the performance of its green fund, which acts as a source of capital for energy efficiency and green energy projects across all Adidas locations.

Remember, prior to the industrial age, all renowned economists included land productivity in their manifestos for a strong human ecosystem.

Andrew is a young, curious, and nimble climate activist based in New York.

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