Why One Of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Key Worf Storylines Almost Didn’t Happen

Any show that lasts for more than a couple of seasons is really going to have a good chance to dig into the lives of its characters, whether main, secondary, or even smaller than that, if the producers so choose.

The Next Generation was only the second in what would become a very long line of live-action Star Trek series to follow members of Starfleet as they explored new worlds and, often, found themselves embroiled in conflicts with a diverse population of non-Earth-based races.

Worf and the Klingon civil war were the focus of the Season 4 finale and Season 5 premiere, “Redemption, Parts I and II,” but as Moore just revealed, Star Trek mastermind Gene Roddenberry was not cool with that idea, at all.

This was the first time that Next Gen — that Star Trek, really — had ever done a big war story like this.

Well, it would be hard to fight against the man who created Star Trek, but I think we’re probably all glad that Ronald D.

Star Trek: The Original Series was Kirk’s story, and he saw TNG as Picard’s story, so it’s understandable that Roddenberry wouldn’t mind Worf getting the spotlight here and there, but not in an all-important season finale / season opener, and certainly not for what would be the show’s landmark 100th episode.

It’s hard to imagine the character’s story without the reveals about his family and the intricacies of Klingon politics that were made in “Redemption, Parts I and II,” and I’m sure most fans feel the same.

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