Why Bitcoin, Not S***coin

If you’re a no- or multi-coiner, I hope this helps you along the path and also to realize why Bitcoiners are so adamant about it.

It’s how we store and exchange the product of our labor, and subjectively measure our individual inputs into society.

There is no larger segment of the global market.

Today, because we have broken money, many of us hold different assets with different attributes in order to store value and protect our wealth.

As more people realize that the product of their labor is constantly being eroded, they are going to seek to store it in something that cannot be diluted.

In fact, future generations will look back on us today and wonder how, in the name of all that is sane, did we believe that measuring our wealth in a currency or money issued by some overlord, that devalued over time, ever made sense.

It’s open source; always on; not just fixed, but known in supply; verifiable by anyone; voluntary; permissionless; digital and directly rooted in the second law of thermodynamics.

It’s been happening for 12 years straight already.

Money is the grandest, oldest language and energy transmission medium of all.

Today, the USD reigns supreme not through merit, but because it is enforced by a kabal.

It too failed, showing not only the resilience of the network to attack , but the decentralized nature inherent in Bitcoin.

In fact, it’s about to get a whole lot worse because once it moves to proof of stake, the 32 ETH required to be a validator will price 99.9% of people out.

There are no node operators on these networks and the larger their blockchain grows, and the more junk they throw on it, the more it will require data-center-level operators to not just mine but actually store their blockchains, leading toward complete centralization.

The trade-offs made by Bitcoiners and the Bitcoin network have been naturally selected to ensure maximum decentralization and, as such, maximum aversion to change of any kind.

One of Bitcoin’s greatest strengths is its native scripting language, which enables the codification of simple contracts.

In fact, it allows Bitcoin to scale across multiple dimensions exponentially.

Finally, the layered nature of Bitcoin means that not only do the network effects get stronger and compound on themselves, but the network becomes more and more decentralized.

Bitcoin transforms raw energy, via computational work into monetary energy, giving us a thermodynamic guarantee of truth.

It has no impact on me and the rest of the Bitcoiners who’ve adopted and are enforcing the Bitcoin consensus rules for ourselves.

It cares not whether you buy it, hold it, spend it, save it, send it or receive it.

Despite the force, despite the threats, despite the so-called “might and promise of the governments of the world,” bitcoin continues to gain market share.

Over the past 12 years, Bitcoin started from $0, and since then, every single national currency that is forced down our throats by government bureaucrats is down 99% against it.

Unlike Ethereum or any other shitcoin out there, which if the government wants to co-opt or shutdown, it can just call the head office, Bitcoin is impossible to turn off.

It’s a common monetary standard, built on rules voluntarily enforced by each individual who is a part of the network.

Bitcoin is the most economically powerful tool, designed to bring down the corrupt legacy financial system that’s destroyed families, the environment, education, morals, resources and time.

In doing so, they are not only saving for the long term and lowering their personal consumption, but they are net producers that are ripping their economic input out of the legacy financial system.

Instead of working on things that are meaningful, they’re hell bent on wasting time trying to get rich quick, reading the tea leaves on charts.

Bitcoin is a transformation of money and finance in which we replace rulers with verifiable, transparent rules that anyone can voluntarily opt into.

They have their own plunge protection teams, boards and “key personnel.” The philosophical foundations upon which their technologies are built are no different to modern nation state government and central banking.

The world needs a money and monetary network that nobody can benefit from at the expense of another.

Bitcoiners are called toxic, assholes, bigots, intolerant, amoebas and every other name under the sun, by everyone.

We do this because we know Bitcoin is the one shot that we have.

Unless you’re personally buying billions of dollars’ in bitcoin, you have no bearing on the bitcoin price and on my personal wealth.

We stand guard at the gates and call this behavior out.

Fiat money is the most wasteful creation on the planet because it does not accurately measure any of these.

This is why it’s about time you stood up for what’s right.

It matters not if you’re an individual, a community, an organization or a nation, you will only ignore Bitcoin at your own peril.

It’s not only inefficient, but a categorically broken method of energy transmission that’s simply a remnant of a fiat money world.

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