What the hell is job boomeranging and why is it trending right now? – TheNextWeb

Not, in fact, a fun sports perk offered by tech companies eager to keep up with the latest in compensation trends, “job boomeranging” is actually a rising workplace trend.

In France, resignations peaked towards the end of 2021 and, in the UK, job-to-job movement was at an all-time high between October and December 2021 as workers sought better work-life balance, more money, or a step up the career ladder.

Endless column inches have trumpeted the advantages of making a career move over the past couple of years, and anecdotal evidence from that friend-of-a-friend who did it and never looked back helped to make a compelling case too.

UKG, a workforce management platform, ran a survey across six countries in 2022.

Forty-one percent of people felt they quit their old job too quickly, and 43% of job quitters admitted that they were better off at their old job.

“Hiring former employees, who are a known entity, is thought to be less risky than hiring new employees.

So how can you go about getting re-hired at your old firm, and boomerang back to your happy place? The first thing to do for the future is to always keep things cordial.

You’ll know fairly fast if your new role and company aren’t a fit––the company culture isn’t right, the job hasn’t worked out as planned, or you can’t get on with your new boss.

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