We’re double counting accredited renewable electricity products and carbon offsets – here’s …

I have been asked by several peers to provide a summary of the key legal and accounting issues behind my assertions that Australia’s accredited renewable electricity products and carbon offsets lack legitimacy and integrity.

There are different ways to account for scope 2 emissions and it is up to governments to determine how they will be accounted for in their jurisdictions.

As the vast majority of household small scale systems are producing and consuming the bulk of their solar electricity behind the meter , this should have precluded the zero emissions from these renewables being allocated across all customers.

Emissions reductions take place in the Scope 1 space but if third parties are seeking to make a market based claim then this needs to take place in the indirect emissions space .

He worked in the water industry for 18 years including in climate change roles and as part of a team purchasing large scale renewable electricity and was chief executive officer of the Conservation Council of South Australia from 2010 to 2013.

In 2010, Tim began engaging with Greenhouse Gas Protocol staff on renewable reforms and contributed to the GHG Protocol Scope 2 guidance which was released in 2015.

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