Virginia Governor’s Race Offers Two Drastically Different Visions For Legalizing Cannabis

Polls show McAuliffe, an establishment candidate who is running for his old job—he was governor of Virginia from 2014-2018—is neck and neck with Youngkin.

The private equity executive, whose net worth is estimated at roughly $354 million, has used his personal wealth to flood Virginia’s airwaves with virulent attack ads against his rivals.

“There is no question marijuana needs to be legalized in Virginia,” McAuliffe wrote in the piece, which was co-authored by Don Scott, a fellow Democrat in Virginia’s House of Delegates.

Youngkin, meanwhile, has shown little more than aversion for cannabis legalization.

“And the reality is, if I had a group of kids here that were asking me about marijuana use, I would tell them don’t use it.

The General Assembly still needs to reenact parts of the 2021 law concerning commercial sales and criminal penalties during next year’s legislative session.

On Monday, a government watchdog group published a report urging Virginia lawmakers to modify the timeline for the launch of a recreational cannabis market.

With a growing pool of local reporters, The Outlaw Report primarily focuses on cannabis news that impacts communities and regulated markets in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.

Be advised that possessing, using, distributing and selling cannabis are all federal crimes in the United States of America and the articles, pages, links, and other types of information on this site are not intended to assist you in violating federal law.

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