VIDEO: Oak Bay cheese kit business feeds DIY culture – Goldstream News Gazette

In a wood-panelled room built in 1919, she and husband Jeremy Bossio create, assemble and label cheese-making kits before sending them out across the continent.

Upon completion, she moved into catering, but the interest lingered and so, Cobham embarked on internet research, courses and classes in her quest to master cheese.

Cobham started with ricotta and mozzarella kits, and an ultra-Canadian poutine cheese and a vegan product are the most recent additions.

Neither knew the December 2019 craft fair would be their last in-person show for nearly two years.

Cheese Maker went fully online, mailing out kits and adding live virtual team-bonding sessions for businesses, from local to international.

In March, he started seeking out small farms for partnerships.

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