US Consumer Prices Rise Faster Than Expected: Live Updates

At best, it would take several days and probably at least through the weekend to return gasoline, diesel and jet fuel shipments to normal.

Over the last few days, Colonial has opened segments of the pipeline manually to relieve some supply pressures in a few states, including Maryland and New Jersey.

A gallon of gas increased an average of 10 cents in South Carolina and 6 cents in North Carolina on Wednesday, while gas in Virginia rose about 8 cents a gallon.

Filling stations in Southern states were selling two to three times their normal amount of gasoline on Tuesday, according to the Oil Price Information Service, an organization that tracks the oil sector.

Brian Kemp of Georgia signed an executive order suspending his state’s gasoline tax through Saturday, which amounts to roughly 20 cents a gallon.

American Airlines said it had added stops to two daily flights out of Charlotte, N.C.

“The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” the winner of dozens of Emmys, was hugely successful for nearly two decades.

In July, BuzzFeed reported that several former and current staff members said they had confronted “racism, fear and intimidation” at work.

On her return to the air in September, she told her viewers: “I learned that things happen here that never should have happened.

After its recent falloff, the size of its audience has become similar to the viewership for Maury Povich and Kelly Clarkson, hosts who, until recently, had not been considered bona fide rivals.

She has also broadened her workload, having made a standup comedy special for Netflix and reaching a deal with Warner Media to create new shows for its streaming platform, HBO Max, among other projects.

“I just needed something to challenge me,” Ms. DeGeneres said in the interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

The Federal Communications Commission’s subsidy program, the Emergency Broadband Benefit, can be used for $50 monthly discounts for individuals on SNAP or Medicaid, recipients of Pell grants, and families with children on free and reduced-price lunch plans.

President Biden has promised to make broadband affordable and available for all and has proposed a $100 billion effort to connect every rural and low-income home to high-speed internet service.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit program comes late in the pandemic, with schools and workplaces beginning to open again.

The nomination of Ms. Khan, 32, has buoyed progressive hopes that President Biden will try to rein in Silicon Valley.

Mr. Biden also appointed Tim Wu, a legal scholar who has pushed for antitrust action against the tech companies, to an economic policy role in the White House.

Ms. Khan would join the commission as antitrust regulators mount a campaign against the power of the largest tech companies.

She came to prominence in law school, when she wrote a law review note charting how Amazon’s power exposed flaws in the way judges had enforced antitrust law.

“I believe she is focused on addressing one of the most pressing issues of the day: reining in the big social media platforms,” he said.

to rise 3.6 percent over the year, and 0.2 percent from the month before, based on the median forecast in a Bloomberg survey.

Prices are shooting higher as inflation figures lap extremely weak readings from 2020 and as supply chain disruptions begin to bite and demand climbs.

But central bankers have said they think the jump will be short-lived, and have made it clear that they plan to look past a temporary increase when setting policy.

Richard H.

The Fed defines its inflation target using a separate measure, the Personal Consumption Expenditure index, but that metric relies on data from the C.P.I.

A key part of the central bank’s role is to keep price increases contained, so a steep acceleration in prices that is expected to last might prompt it to dial back policies that keep money cheap and credit flowing.

Central bankers have been clear that they would react if, contrary to their expectations, signs of a persistent price takeoff emerged.

The drop came after the Labor Department said the Consumer Price Index climbed 4.2 percent during the month, from a year earlier, the fastest pace of increase since 2008.

Analysts had been expecting a high annual increase, given the comparison to last April, when the economy was cratering amid the early stages of the Covid crisis and price growth slowed to a crawl.

The British economy grew 2.1 percent in March from the previous month, the Office for National Statistics said on Wednesday.

Germany’s economy is forecast to grow 3.4 percent this year and Spain, which suffered Europe’s deepest recession last year, is expected to grow nearly 6 percent.

and euro area economies are expected to rebound strongly as vaccination rates increase and restrictions are eased,” the commission, the executive arm for the European Union, said on Wednesday.

Even as millions of people were vaccinated, the number of new coronavirus cases globally reached a peak in late April as the pandemic has struck especially hard in India.

Last May, SoftBank was in crisis after posting a loss of more than $12 billion.

When compared with its previously released figures, the year-end results implied a profit for the first three months of 2021 alone of more than $17 billion.

SoftBank’s profit, mostly paper gains from increases in investment values, was based heavily on a jump in the price of South Korean e-commerce firm Coupang after it listed earlier this year.

The General Court of the European Union struck down a 2017 decision by European regulators that ordered Amazon to pay $300 million to Luxembourg, home of the company’s European headquarters and where regulators said the company received unfair tax treatment.

The decision, which comes as European Union and American officials attempt to reach a global tax agreement that could result in higher levies against tech companies, undercuts an effort by Margrethe Vestager, an executive vice president at the European Commission, who issued the Amazon penalty and has led efforts to force big tech firms to pay more in taxes.

Last year, Apple won an appeal against Ms. Vestager to annul a decision to repay about $14.9 billion in taxes to Ireland, where the company has a European headquarters.

The pandemic revealed just how important e-commerce is to the future of the global fashion industry.

In 2020, the company — which acts as an inventory-free search portal for high-fashion brands and stores to sell to trend-focused online shoppers — said it had seen a 1,100 percent increase in new users on its app.

Vinted, which is based in Lithuania, says it is Europe’s largest secondhand fashion marketplace with more than 45 million members globally.

The island democracy threw up its borders when the pandemic first began to spread from mainland China and has heavily limited travel.

It suspended large events, limiting outdoor gatherings to 500 people and indoor gatherings to 100 people.

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