UN’s Cannabis Reclassification Does Not Mean Legalization: Gov’t

Both narcotics now fall under Schedule I, the category of substances that are closely addictive and potentially abused or substances that can be converted into dangerous and addictive drugs.

According to Rolliansyah Soemirat, the director for international security and disarmament at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  the news on cannabis scheduling change caused confusion among stakeholders and the public.

The substance is still under strict control despite the rescheduling as there are still risks of abuse,” Rolliansyah told a virtual conference on cannabis reclassification held by Beritasatu Media Holdings on Friday.

Under Article 39 of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, a state party is authorized to impose stricter control measures than what is agreed on in the convention.

At the 63rd CND reconvened session on cannabis and cannabis resin scheduling, 27 out of 53 countries, including the US and Canada, were in favor.

The government has yet to conduct research on cannabis for medical purposes.

“The health ministry regulation on the possible use of cannabis for research and scientific purposes is currently being discussed.

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