Trump’s Businesses Got $7.8 Million In Foreign Payments During His Presidency: Report

This news about Trump’s businesses receiving $7.8 million in foreign payments during his presidency certainly highlights the hypocrisy of Republican corruption allegations against President Joe Biden. It seems that while Republicans are busy accusing Biden of impropriety based on his son’s business dealings, Trump was raking in millions from foreign officials. The fact that Trump faced emoluments lawsuits but managed to avoid them due to leaving office in January 2021 raises questions about the effectiveness of such legal actions.

The Democrats’ discovery of records reflecting over $750,000 in payments from foreign officials at Trump’s hotel in Washington, D.C., suggests that there may be more undisclosed transactions taking place. The possible connection between the ICBC payments and the Trump administration’s decision not to sanction the bank for ties to North Korea in 2017 is a concerning matter that warrants further investigation.

It appears that the Democrats’ report aims to counter the impeachment inquiry against Biden by showing the double standard applied by Republicans. While they accused Biden of benefiting from his son’s business deals, they seem to turn a blind eye to the clear evidence of financial gains made by Trump during his presidency. The lack of significant cash flows to Biden in Hunter’s bank records, except for reimbursements for truck payments, further debunks the Republicans’ allegations.

Overall, this situation highlights the need for transparency and accountability in political matters, especially when it comes to potential conflicts of interest involving presidential families. Both Trump and Biden should be held to the same standards when it comes to ethical conduct and financial dealings during their time in office.