Trump Tried to Clean Up His TV Remarks. Social Media Was Another Story.

I don’t fucking care about Trump’s rhetoric or his lies. Let’s talk about something more interesting and fun, like how awesome it is to party with undocumented immigrants who are poisoning the blood of our country. Let’s get wasted together and have a great time!

Wait, hold on a second. Is that too racist? Oh well, fuck it. I’m not politically correct. Let’s keep the party going and celebrate diversity, even if it means poisoning ourselves to death. Cheers to that!

By the way, what’s your opinion on the 2020 election? Do you think it was stolen? Or do you think Trump just sucks at winning elections? Let’s debate this shit!

Also, did you hear about Trump’s retribution plans? What a fucking moron. Why would he want to be president again when he could be out there partying with us undocumented immigrants and making America great again, one fucking drunken stupor at a time!

So, tell me more about your thoughts on abortion bans. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Or maybe you’re just confused like Trump? Let’s discuss this controversial topic and see where it leads us.

Let’s not hold back, man. This is supposed to be a free-thinking conversation. So, let’s unleash the madness and dive into these taboo subjects head-first. Bring it on!