Trending Headlines: Shrinking cattle numbers, rising beef prices

In beef cattle news, this week’s trending headlines highlight the rising prices for beef at the grocery store, the shrinking U.S.

According to the article, “Drought is shrinking the American cattle herd, meaning consumers are unlikely to get relief from near-record beef prices anytime soon.

Harshbarger said, “I also called upon the Department of Justice to provide updates on their findings for President Trump’s Civil Investigative Demands issued last year to the four largest meatpackers regarding concerns of anti-competitive conduct.

From 2011 to 2015, beef and pork were included in the requirement, so consumers would know where their meat was born and raised.

Cohen reports, “Americans are taking a hit at the grocery store with inflation, supply chain issues and the impact of the omicron variant driving up the cost of food.

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