Tips and Guide to Traveling with Legal Cannabis

If you have a medical marijuana card, chances are you get nervous when it’s time to get behind the wheel or travel somewhere, especially to another state.

Some people may be picturing an extensive operation with huge lights and plants as far as the eye can see, but if you’re only growing for personal use, a plant or two is fine.

Unfortunately, no matter what state you travel to, technically being in possession of marijuana is a violation of federal law since it’s still a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance.

Always carry a prescription card and any type of medical paperwork proving you’re a legally enrolled medical marijuana patient–it’s incredibly important.

While medical marijuana users are protected in some instances by a prescription card, if you have paraphernalia and are stopped by the cops or airport security, it can potentially be an extra charge.

The bottom line when it comes to traveling with legal cannabis? Take the extra time to do in-depth research concerning the state or location where you’re traveling.

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