Three Ways Cannabis Can Improve Your Social Skills

The pandemic has brought upon the age of awkwardness, from the stress of social distancing measures, the shift to isolating remote work, the lack of facial expressions due to masks.

Hearing and processing words is something you may not be used to after the pandemic due to working at home alone and solely interacting with your computer every day.

You’ll remember previous conversations and be able to flow through the next part of the conversation, which is communication.

You must be proficient at both to become someone other people want to socialize with; Cannabis can be an efficient support tool to help you get there.

Basically, this is why many musical artists, or writers, tend to smoke cannabis to get into their “flow” state of mind, where words flow out as if they memorized the dictionary.

Fearing what we say, how we act, what we look like, and what others think of us, as a result, can make us not want to socialize with others.

Cannabis can help with anxiety — THC, and CBD, in cannabis can cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger blood flow changes in the brain linked with anxiety.

The benefits of cannabis oil or edibles are, depending on the dosage, that you may be able to complete your responsibilities while not feeling intoxicated.

Then, you are free to enjoy socializing with ease, lessened anxiety, and have a great time with others while those words flow out of you, like the eloquent conversationalist you are.

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