THINK GREEN: Vegetarian or vegan diet key to combatting climate change

We remember to take our cloth bags when we go shopping, drink our coffee from refillable cups, and recycle responsibly.

It’s not just water usage that is problematic in our meat consumption.

We hear about how human consumption of oil and gas is leading to climate change.

If we look at greenhouse gas emissions created in raising livestock for meat and animal products, the results are quite surprising.

Beef production creates 27 kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions per kilogram, compared to chicken’s 6.7 kilograms of GHG.

Adding to the damage that is being done by the livestock industry, is the removal of the solution.

To feed a person with a vegan diet, requires one sixth of an acre of land per year, while a vegetarian needs half an acre.

Since we became aware of the massive effects of the meat and animal product industry on the health of the planet, my family has found many healthy alternatives.

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