The Race to Nation-State Bitcoin Adoption Is Just Beginning – BeInCrypto

JAN3 is working to accelerate what is commonly referred to as ‘hyperbitcoinization,’ supporting nation-state adoption such as it has in El Salvador.

“I believe we’re going to see a race to accumulate bitcoin on the nation state level,” said Mow in the interview uploaded to YouTube on June 2.

Mow further explained how nation-state bitcoinization is occurring at a rate much faster than even he could have expected.

“Well I think it’s definitely sooner than I personally would have predicted,” said Mow.

One of the other matters discussed during the event was where Bitcoin might next make the leap to national level adoption.

Should the country make Bitcoin legal tender it would be a major coup, in the order of magnitudes greater than anything else that has so far preceded it.

Mexico is home to the Bitso exchange which is valued at $2.2 billion, making it the first crypto unicorn in Latin America.

Robert D Knight is a journalist and copywriter who has specialized in crypto for over four years.

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