The Great Cannabis Debate; Part One

In Nov.

Although the use, distribution, and cultivation of cannabis are now legal in California, MAUCRSA establishes a dual licensing structure where both state and local governments have guidelines.

Personal Cannabis Cultivation: Six cannabis plants total, grown indoors, per dwelling unit, for personal use, are permitted.

The county has a one-to-one water offset requirement for cannabis cultivation and nurseries in areas where the groundwater basin is at a severe level.

Drew Van Duren, a resident of Templeton, has been an active voice in the county against cannabis cultivation.

“My stance is laser-focused on the commercial growing and production of cannabis, and I’m very much against it being done in places where it can have a detrimental effect on the environment, resources, and the health and wellbeing of the population that shares that environment.

Beth Parham, a resident of Paso Robles, works for a dispensary in San Luis Obispo.

Parham and her husband started to grow their cannabis plants out of curiosity and fun when it became legalized.

Really, cannabis is just another crop that people are hesitant to allow in the community, just like grapes were years ago.

We should all question the ethical backbone of any county official or Supervisor who endorses a policy that pads cannabis industry and county coffers on the backs of communities and their own constituents.

It is here to bring more tax revenue to a community that was troubled by COVID and to provide more jobs for individuals like you and me.

As we begin this in-depth series, we will look to bring more information, different perspectives, and outlooks from both sides of the subject.

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