THC NFTs: Is Cannabis Ready for All That Internet Money?

A graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder, McHugh worked on a number of projects alongside Matt Stone and Trey Parker; it was McHugh’s job to get the band Primus to compose the theme song for the pilot of South Park.

I just got turned on last week to SuperWorld, which sells real estate from around the world, selling plots of land for people to store NFTs, which then become visible as augmented reality to people who are in those places using this particular app.

They’re non-fungible tokens, which means that an NFT is a one-of-a-kind or unique piece that can be proven through the blockchain, and there are a lot of jokes about this, right? I’ve talked to a lot of artists about it, and I have one fine-artist friend who just does not give a fuck about NFTs.

In the fine-art world, there’s a thing called provenance — proof of ownership — so if you bought the Mona Lisa, there was a list of wealthy aristocrats who owned these fine-art pieces, and they keep a list of what that piece sells at each time, and each time it sells, the value appreciates.

They were just extremely fired up about working with us in the NFT space, so together we launched a new joint venture called Token Hits Chateau , and that is our new company to create NFTs.

I thought there should be that kind of art existing for cannabis strains, because I find that people have similar emotional connections for their favorite cannabis strains as they do for their favorite musical artists.

It’s also our belief that there’s no one type of cannabis lover; it’s a diverse world of people who love all aspects of cannabis, and so we’re trying to get as many artist viewpoints as possible.

For everybody who’s been working and profiting off the legal cannabis industry, to me, it’s just one of the most important nonprofits that are fighting to free nonviolent cannabis prisoners, which there way too many of.

For Califari, we want to be an international cannabis brand, and we’ve already started that with our art and our cannabis line; we hope to someday expand to other places.

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