Terpene Flavor Guide: Where Cannabis Gets Its Taste

In Cannabis sativa, terpenes are produced in the resin glands along with the cannabinoids and often work together to enhance or alter the effects of one another.

This terpene’s hallmark is its floral scent, reminiscent of sharp and sweet wildflowers.

Known to have an aroma that is peppery, woody and spicy, this is the only terpene proven to interact with the endocannabinoid system in our bodies.

It is known to enhance THC uptake and contributes to the sedating and calming effects often associated with indica.

Due to its pleasant aroma reminiscent of lilac and flower blossoms, it is often used in cosmetic products such as soaps.

This terpene is normally found in higher concentrations in sativa varieties and is associated with elevated mood.

Having a piney aroma with notes of herbs and wildflower, this terpene is often used in perfumes and as an insect repellant.

Creating a delightfully sweet smell akin to roses, this terpene is present in geraniums, lemons, and tobacco and is often used in perfumes and other cosmetics.

Getting its name due to its high concentration in Valencia Oranges, this terpene has a citrusy sweet aroma.

Found in a wide variety of botanicals, it is known for its sweet and woodsy scent.

It is used in a variety of products such as cough suppressants, mouthwash, and deodorants and has many proven uses.

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