Tech update: A place for cleantech in new climate plan, tube transportation 1 step closer to reality

To reach our 2030 targets, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault says the oil and gas industry will need to reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions by 42 per cent.

Leaning into technology: Another differentiating factor in this plan, is that the Government of Canada has formally committed to developing a carbon-capture utilization and storage strategy for the first time.

Robert Niven, CEO of CarbonCure Technologies is pleased to see this included.

What’s next: This is the first emissions-reduction plan issued under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act.

Multibillion-dollar tube-transportation project gets financial green light: The same week Ottawa announced its new climate plans, which look at emissions across the sectors, including transportation, a joint Canadian-French company announced big plans for what it calls the “fifth mode of transportation.” TransPod secured $688.2 million in financing for the construction of the Alberta TransPod Line to connect the cities of Edmonton and Calgary in Canada.

Industry concerns: In 2020, an Aecom report commissioned by Transport Canada on hyperloop feasibility concluded that with so many unknown factors and rising capital costs, hyperloop may fall short as an economically competitive alternative.

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