The Green party’s leadership crisis is taking it into uncharted political waters

The assault on Annamie Paul’s leadership is now taking place three fronts: confidence, cash and, unbelievably, membership in the party itself. The federal Liberal party has a fine old tradition of trying to replace leaders through all kinds of skulduggery, but in my memory, no attempts were made to deny beleaguered leaders cash for their […]

Ontario’s retail cannabis market is booming, but the new status quo is built on old injustices, say …

A 2017 Star analysis found people of the African diaspora with no history of criminal convictions were three times more likely to be arrested by Toronto police for possession of small amounts of marijuana than white people with similar backgrounds. James imagines a merit system that rewards retailers for employing individuals or supporting communities disproportionately […]

Today’s coronavirus news: Quebec moves to lowest, green-level pandemic alert next week; US will …

The town’s population swells from about 1,000 to 5,000 people, due largely to an influx of Canadian visitors and seasonal residents drawn to the area’s ocean breezes, beaches and cheap gas. “We’ve reached a crisis point,” says Brian Calder, the president of the local chamber of commerce. “It’s not a straight, black and white, sort […]

‘People are a bit losing the plot’: Green founder says the party needs to get back to basics and …

Trevor Hancock, who was born in the U.K. The paper served as an analog call-out, and before long Hancock found himself with the phone numbers of dozens of Canadians interested in advancing environmentalism through politics. The Greens, which gained its most seats ever under former leader Elizabeth May in 2019, lost one of its three […]

Green Party mires itself in controversy over its leader, Annamie Paul, and Israel

To be clear: Green Party leader Annamie Paul, while using the terms “racist’’ and “sexist’’ to excoriate individuals behind a party schism, didn’t outright call them Jew-haters. A party of pimple significance, with a national membership of less than 250,000 and, as of last week, reduced to two sitting MPs. The party’s federal council, on […]