Study suggests bundling bitcoin trades with carbon offsets | TheHill

“Studies suggest that the total carbon from the Bitcoin network alone could potentially … Carbon credits are designed to help companies counter their carbon emissions. This isn’t the first time carbon markets and cryptocurrency have been linked. In his 2020 bestseller “The Ministry for the Future,” science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson suggested the creation […]

Schumer asks for input as Democrats finalize cannabis bill | TheHill

“We would deeply appreciate your willingness to share your expertise on the intersections between your committees’ jurisdictions, your states’ experiences, and comprehensive cannabis reform and invite you to join the process of perfecting this legislation. A 2021 Pew Research poll found 60 percent of respondents support legalizing it for both medical and recreational use and an […]

Are the editors high? Why trendy news features on pot are a bad idea | TheHill

Many major regional news outlets in the 18 states where marijuana is fully legalized are now packed with upbeat lifestyle articles extolling the virtues of a once-underground cannabis culture. A leading California newspaper recently offered guidance on how to enjoy Disneyland while high; the Space Mountain roller coaster was a particular favorite. The drive to decriminalize cannabis was fueled by one compelling, undeniable fact: Far too many people were crowding jails and prisons on […]