Adele reaches new heights on 30, her best album to date

Adele Adkins doesn’t just write songs; she writes anthems. Over the course of her 15-year career, she’s become the patron saint of heartache in mainstream music, penning tear-jerking songs about the woes of love. In the six years since her monstrously successful third record, 25, she’s been busy raising a son, as well as marrying—then […]

Zack Snyder teases the hashtag hordes with pic of Justice League’s cut Green Lantern shoot

HBO Max has never given an explicit reason for asking for the scene of everybody’s favorite space cop to be excised, but the general assumption is that the streamer was worried it would conflict with its own plans for the Green Lantern brand. Still, that’s nothing a good hashtag won’t solve, so when Carr tweeted […]