Cannabis can increase the risk of schizophrenia in young people even they don’t use it frequently

But while many may no longer see cannabis as a risky or harmful substance, there are still many things experts do not know about cannabis – including why some people develop schizophrenia after use. Until now, most evidence has suggested that any link between cannabis and developing schizophrenia is due to using it frequently and […]

Glasgow climate summit was high on words, but low on action –

Of the many pledges and announcements that were made, one of the standout declarations was by India, which promised to achieve carbon neutrality by 2070. Critics, however, said this statement in the summit agreement was not enough. “Glasgow did not deliver 1.5 degrees Celsius,” said Li Shuo, senior global policy advisor, Greenpeace East Asia. The […]

Glasgow climate pact: An economist explains why India did not commit to coal phase out –

The Glasgow climate pact finalised on November 13 has evinced strong reactions to the language of fossil fuel “phase down” rather than “phase out”. She models the economic impacts of low-carbon development pathways for India and supports climate action in Indian cities and states. What lay behind India’s insistence on a “phase down” of coal […]

How the world can decarbonise global trade without burdening developing countries –

Questions such as these are being debated at the ongoing 26th Conference of Parties, where world leaders are negotiating on rules on carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. But unless rich countries help developing economies like India access the funds and technology needed to transition to clean alternatives, a carbon border tax […]