Cannabis-Exposed Babies Face Poorer Metabolic Health | MedPage Today

In a sample of 103 mother-child pairs from Colorado, about 15% of pregnant women tested positive for detectable levels of any type of cannabinoid at around 27 weeks gestation, Brianna F. Moore’s group took a subsample of participants from the Healthy Start cohort study. The researchers tested for 12 types of cannabinoids and cannabinoid-metabolites in […]

False Positive COVID Tests; Cannabis and Car Accidents | MedPage Today

TTHealthWatch is a weekly podcast from Texas Tech. Elizabeth: That’s what we’re talking about this week on TT HealthWatch, your weekly look at the medical headlines from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in El Paso. Elizabeth: Rick, for both of us, gosh, COVID, continuing apace in rapid increases in hospitalizations in both our necks […]

Michigan EDs See Jump in Cannabis-Related Neuropsychiatric Toxicity | MedPage Today

That frequency was higher for both inhalers and patients who ingested cannabis at the end of the study period than the start, with the rate for ingesting patients steadily increasing over the 24 months studied. “We’ve got to keep educating patients on the risks of cannabis use” even in the ED, Leach stressed. Study limitations […]

Cannabis Vaping Skyrockets in High School Students

Epidemiological and lab research eventually settled on vitamin E acetate, a common component of illicit cannabis vaping products, as the likely cause, even though a substantial minority of victims denied use of such products. An open question, not addressed in Palamar’s study, is the extent to which school closures and social restrictions resulting from the […]

Chronic Pain Patients Find Relief With Cannabis, Despite Varying Evidence

Most clinical trials with medical cannabis have involved neuropathic pain, Eisenberg noted, and experts don’t agree on whether there’s enough evidence to support cannabis as pain treatment. About 10% of medicinal cannabis users experience adverse events that include psychotomimetic effects, anxiety and psychosis, cognitive dysmotivational syndrome, or addiction, Eisenberg said. More recently, a simulator study […]