Congressman Files New Marijuana Banking Reform Amendment To Large-Scale House Bill …

Ed Perlmutter Banking Act, has expressed interest in finding another vehicle to pursue his proposal after it was stripped from a separate defense bill late last year. It remains to be seen whether the America COMPETES Act will serve as a more effective vehicle for the cannabis banking bill than the National Defense Authorization Act […]

Ohio Lawmakers Will Be Forced To Consider Marijuana Legalization As State Validates …

This comes about two weeks after the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol submitted a final round of signatures for the measure. If they do not pass the measure, organizers can then collect an additional 132,887 valid signatures from registered voters to place the issue on the ballot in November. The measure that lawmakers will […]

Fed regulator notes “bright future” for cannabis (Newsletter: January 28, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

BREAKING: Journalism is often consumed for free, but costs money to produce! While this newsletter is proudly sent without cost to you, our ability to send it each day depends on the financial support of readers who can afford to give it. A group led by a former Arkansas House minority leader and funded by […]

DE legal cannabis bill clears first vote (Newsletter: January 27, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

Amazon’s vice president of public policy said the company has “no plans to sell cannabis and that is not why we’re doing this or being involved in this debate” about legalization. Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. […]

Amazon backs GOP cannabis legalization bill (Newsletter: January 26, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

Home Depot is being sued by an employee who says she was improperly put on medical leave after revealing she uses medical cannabis to treat PTSD. Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. National Institute on Drug Abuse […]

Amazon Endorses GOP-Led Bill To Federally Legalize Marijuana

The company’s public policy division said on Tuesday that it is “pleased to endorse” the legislation from Rep. But it later disclosed that the policy change would also be retroactive, meaning former workers and applicants who were punished for testing positive for THC will have their employment eligibility restored. The reason for the move away […]

Govs talk cannabis in SOTS speeches (Newsletter: January 25, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

WeedMD’s former board chair is being accused by the Ontario Securities Commission of providing confidential information to a longtime friend who engaged in insider trading of the company’s shares. Kathy Hochul pushed regulators to approve an acquisition by Ascend Wellness just days after an executive from the former company attended a fundraiser for the governor’s […]

Massachusetts Marijuana Tax Revenue Now Exceeds Alcohol By Millions – Marijuana Moment

California officials announced in June that they were awarding about $29 million in grants funded by marijuana tax revenue to 58 nonprofit organizations, with the intent of righting the wrongs of the war on drugs. The company’s public policy division said on Tuesday that it is “pleased to endorse” the legislation from Rep. But it […]

NE medical cannabis ‘poison pill’ bill filed (Newsletter: January 24, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox spoke about plans for Paradise, a cannabis company he owns part of, to reach a total of 200 stores across 32 U.S. Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. National Institute on Drug […]

Minnesota Democratic Leaders Preview Marijuana Legalization Plan For 2022 – Marijuana Moment

“As we look ahead to this session…our goal is to go back and reexamine provisions of the bill,” he said. Gov. Ed Perlmutter Banking Act, has expressed interest in finding another vehicle to pursue his proposal after it was stripped from a separate defense bill late last year. It remains to be seen whether the […]

MS House approves medical cannabis bill (Newsletter: January 20, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

The Global Alliance for Cannabis Commerce, National Cannabis Industry Association, Minority Cannabis Business Association, United States Cannabis Council and National Cannabis Roundtable sent a letter urging Virginia lawmakers to include sentencing relief for people previously convicted of marijuana offenses in any legalization reenactment legislation considered this year. The Weldon Project is teaming up with the […]

Senate candidate smokes cannabis in campaign ad (Newsletter: January 19, 2022 …

Birmingham, Alabama’s mayor reacted to criticism of his local reform advocacy from a former lawmaker by tweeting, “I will not be lectured on the rights and wrongs of pardoning people for marijuana possession by Former State Sen. The Bahamian minister of agriculture, marine resources and Family Island affairs said the Family Islands would be an […]

Kansas Medical Marijuana Hearings Cancelled After Senate GOP Leader Reroutes House …

Advocates are concerned about the decision by Senate President Ty Masterson , who withdrew the cannabis reform legislation from the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee days before hearings were to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday. “We certainly hope that this action is just making sure that this bill meets any concerns that Senate […]

Cannabis banking sponsor vows to ‘get that darn thing passed’ (Newsletter: January 18 …

Free to read ! We’re proud of our newsletter and the reporting we publish at Marijuana Moment, and we’re happy to provide it for free. Rep. Kansas’s House-passed medical cannabis bill has encountered a major hurdle as the Senate president rerouted it to a committee he controls and cancelled hearings that were scheduled for this […]

Feds & states work on cannabis standards (Newsletter: January 17, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

A UK member of Parliament said his medical cannabis bill “almost definitely” will not move forward due to a lack of support. Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Nora Volkow—at an […]

Federal And State Officials Collaborate On Marijuana Standardization Proposals At National …

Those first two items did move forward and achieve voting status, meaning that NCWM members will have the opportunity to adopt them into the NIST handbook when they convene again in July. NCWM’s Specifications and Tolerances Committee, meanwhile, presented a proposal to develop “scale suitability requirements” for the direct sale of bulk marijuana to dispensaries […]

Congresswoman used cannabis for depression (Newsletter: November 18, 2021 …

South Carolina Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joe Cunningham, a former congressman, tweeted, “When I was in Congress, I voted to decriminalize marijuana on a federal level. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in the one-year period ending in April. An Israeli lawmaker said she would […]

Bipartisan cannabis decrim bill in WI (Newsletter: November 17, 2021) – Marijuana Moment

Americans for Prosperity tweeted, “Almost 70% of Americans support legalizing marijuana, and over 90% now support allowing patients to access medical marijuana. Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. A study’s results pointed to the “possible role of […]

Biden Signs Infrastructure Bill Promoting Marijuana Research By Encouraging Access To …

In August, the Senate passed its own version of the legislation, which contained substantively identical marijuana language, in August. Since its initial introduction last year, some steps have been taken to resolve marijuana research issues. That marks a significant development—and one of the first cannabis-related moves to come out of the Biden administration. Days later, the Senate […]

Republican Lawmakers File Bill To Tax And Regulate Marijuana As Alternative To …

Unlike more modest measures previously championed by some of Mace’s GOP colleagues, this legislation—an updated draft version of which was obtained by Marijuana Moment over the weekend—represents an attempt to bridge a partisan divide. The reason for that response largely comes down to the fact that there’s skepticism that Democratic-led legalization bills will be able […]