THE CANNABIS CONVERSATION: The Cannabis Reform Initiative | Humboldt County News

measure that radically alters cannabis farming in our region. to the 100-acre farms being launched across the state. department. seeks to end cannabis cultivation in Humboldt once and for all. from other states looking to cash in. Instead, I believe we should allow the local industry to grow, exponentially. away from sun-grown and this trend […]

THE CANNABIS CONVERSATION: Divided We Fall | Lost Coast Outpost | Humboldt County News

unsustainable and promises to collapse the state’s economy. temporary in nature, I think that’s optimistic and misguided. area can maintain a comfortable existence. The first thing we can focus on is shopping local. so shopping out of town or online is a forced necessity. region. Tourism is critically important to California and to Humboldt County. […]

THE CANNABIS CONVERSATION: Cannabis Addiction – Lost Coast Outpost

While everyone knows that I grow professionally and advocate for safe, barrier-free medicinal cannabis access for all people worldwide, I like approximately ten percent of habitual users, develop a physical addiction to cannabis with excessive use. In the context of mind-altering substances, addiction or “substance use disorder such as alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs, to […]

THE CANNABIS CONVERSATION: Team Building | Lost Coast Outpost | Humboldt County News

year is the most important of our careers. protection/remediation and a host of other business issues. cases. Employees are more than a number or a means to an end. more personal and professional satisfaction from their careers. existing ideas and an existing approach with regard to workflow. this understanding is more inclusive and will help […]

Professionalizing and Formalizing Your Cannabis Farming Operation – Lost Coast Outpost

in the Golden State has become increasingly complicated. in, purchase farms on the cheap, and greenwash the Humboldt brand. benefit from professionalizing and formalizing their operations. For decades farming cannabis profitably in California was simpler. business planning functions so common to other industries. and professionalize their operations to find lasting success. astute businesspeople if they […]

(AUDIO) HUMBOLDT HOLDING UP: A ‘Cannabis Conversation’ With Cultivator and …

Many major players in Humboldt’s cannabis economy gathered at the county courthouse this week with a message: We are struggling and we need help. What does this downturn mean for Humboldt County, which for years has garnered much of its identity from its association with this plant? On this week’s episode of Humboldt Holding Up, […]

THE CANNABIS CONVERSATION: Methods of Cannabis Consumption – Lost Coast Outpost

Cannabis use is on the rise globally. impressive compound growth rate of 32%. folks simply enjoy firing up a bowl or a joint. compounds found in cannabis can become carcinogenic when heated. Smoking cannabis also produces a very strong odor that some find offensive. embers to enter your mouth. can be a very powerful delivery […]

THE CANNABIS CONVERSATION: A Falling Tide Sinks All Ships – Lost Coast Outpost

famously noted that a rising tide lifts all boats. or disruption in one area can have a ripple effect across the world. Like it or not, this is the paradigm we live in. California cannabis space have people concerned across the state. exact magnitude of the contribution, we know it’s significant. still pay inflated property […]

(PHOTOS) Thousands of Cannabis Plants Eradicated, Numerous Environmental Violations …

On May 6, 2021, deputies with the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office Marijuana Enforcement Team served multiple search warrants to investigate illegal cannabis cultivation in the Rancho Sequoia and Dobbyn Creek areas. During the service of the warrant in the Dobbyn Creek area, deputies eradicated approximately 1,200 growing cannabis plants. …Read the full story

(PHOTOS) Thousands of Cannabis Plants Eradicated, Numerous Environmental Violations …

On May 6, 2021, deputies with the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office Marijuana Enforcement Team served multiple search warrants to investigate illegal cannabis cultivation in the Rancho Sequoia and Dobbyn Creek areas. During the service of the warrant in the Dobbyn Creek area, deputies eradicated approximately 1,200 growing cannabis plants. …Read the full story