Cannabis: How It Affects Our Cognition And Psychology – New Research | IFLScience

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reported that, in 2018, approximately 192 million people worldwide aged between 15 and 64 used cannabis recreationally. This is characterised by the persistent desire to use the drug and disruption to daily activities, such as work or education. This effect seemed to be linked to the age […]

Long-Term Cannabis Use Could Reduce Your Brain’s Memory Centers – And IQ, Too | IFLScience

For decades, cannabis has often been seen as one of the safer recreational drugs. It’s apparently impossible to overdose on, significantly less addictive than other common vices, and despite a 1936 nursing journal warning that anybody intoxicated with the stuff would “suddenly turn with murderous violence upon whomever is nearest … run amuck with knife, […]

Man “Completely Amputated His Penis” In Episode Of Cannabis-Induced Psychosis | IFLScience

Reported in the Journal of Medical Case Reports, the 23-year-old man had been using cannabis for two years before discontinuing the drug for a period of three months. During this session, he experienced an erection unrelated to any sexual stimulation and started to feel sharp pains in his penis. The man was aware of the process […]

What Happens When You Quit Cannabis? | IFLScience

Numerous drugs interfere with dopamine signalling within the brain’s reward circuit when abused, resulting in a downregulation of dopaminergic neurons. Luckily, research has indicated that cannabis does not reduce the availability of dopamine neurons, even in heavy users, meaning that those who get high on a daily basis are unlikely to experience the emotional lows […]

Cannabis Use During Pregnancy Affects Placenta And Promotes Childhood Anxiety, Study …

Using cannabis during pregnancy reduces the expression of immune-activating genes in the placenta, resulting in higher levels of anxiety, aggression, and hyperactivity in children by the time they reach six years of age. The research involved 322 mother-child pairs who took part in a long-term study into stress in pregnancy. An analysis of the youngsters’ […]

What Happens When You Mix Cannabis With Psychedelics? | IFLScience

Getting high was once seen as an act of deviance or cultural defiance, yet now, thanks to a shift in attitudes towards drugs, it’s science. Presenting their work in the journal Psychopharmacology, the study authors reveal that pot enhances the mystical experiences occasioned by serotonergic psychedelics, a class of drug that interferes with consciousness by […]

Scientists Have Worked Out How Long Cannabis Actually Gets You Stoned

Cannabis users should wait at least five hours after smoking a joint before attempting to drive a car, according to a new study into the duration of impairment caused by the drug. Presenting their findings in the journal Neuroscience and Behavioral Reviews, the researchers sought to provide evidence that could assist the authorities in devising […]