Scientists calculate how carbon nanotubes and their fibers experience fatigue – Florida News Times

A Rice University study calculated how strain and stress affect both “perfect” nanotubes and nanotubes assembled into fibers, and periodically loaded fibers break over time. It did research, it appears in Science AdvancesImportant for Boris Jacobson, a US material theorist, Nitan Gupta, a graduate student, and Evgeni Penev, an assistant professor at George R. “The […]

Research shows that pandemics have increased alcohol and cannabis sales – Florida News Times

Alcohol and cannabis sales in Canada were higher during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to pre-pandemic sales. The study used information from the Canadian Bureau of Statistics to compare alcohol and cannabis sales during the 16 months before and after the pandemic began . “These results provide one of the first national views on changes in […]