New meta-analysis finds cannabis may be linked to development of opioid use disorders

A new systematic review and meta-analysis has found that people who use cannabis are disproportionately more likely to initiate opioid use and engage in problematic patterns of use than people who do not use cannabis. One surprising discovery in this meta-analysis, led by researchers at the University of Sydney’s Matilda Centre for Research in Mental […]

New Book Defines Trend: Meet the Multispecies Family

“American pet-owners are transforming the cultural definition of family,” Laurent-Simpson says. The science of sociology devotes little research to the concept of multi-species families, she says. Increasingly, American families consider their pets in decisions such as child-rearing, homebuying, job location, travel and budgets, she says. As Hurricane Katrina approached in 2005, nearly half of New […]

Urban green space brings happiness when money can’t buy it anymore

Urban green spaces, such as parks, backyards, riverbanks, and urban farmlands, are thought to contribute to citizen happiness by promoting physical and mental health. Various methods of measuring green space – questionnaires, qualitative interviews, satellite images, Google Street View images, and even smartphone technology still rely on individual-level measurements and hence are not scalable to […]

Understanding the impact of medical cannabis on kids, a meta-analysis

In recent years, the use of medical cannabis to treat sick kids is on the rise, although questions remain about the benefits and safety of such treatments. They will present their findings at the 31st Annual International Cannabinoid Research Society Symposium , a leading research center on cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, and medicinal cannabis. Matok and his […]

Does cannabis affect brain development in young people with ADHD? Too soon to tell, reports …

June 18, 2021 – At least so far, the currently limited research base does not establish that cannabis has additional adverse effects on brain development or functioning in adolescents or young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder , concludes a review in the July/August issue of Harvard Review of Psychiatry. While ADHD is clinically defined to have […]

An unusual symbiosis of a ciliate, green alga, and purple bacterium

In their article ‘A microbial eukaryote with a unique combination of purple bacteria and green algae as endosymbionts’ published in Science Advances, the researchers report the new findings and explain how the oxygen-sensitive purple bacterium lives together with the oxygenic green alga in the ciliate host. Dr Martin Kreutz, an amateur microscopist and friend of […]

Researchers turned transparent calcite into artificial gold

Breakthrough in metamaterials: for the first time in the world, researchers at Tel Aviv University developed an innovative nanotechnology that transforms a transparent calcite nanoparticle into a sparkling gold-like particle. Lomonosov Moscow State University, has introduced the concept of biofriendly delivery of optical resonances via a mesoscopic metamaterial, a material with properties that are not […]

Current trend reversed

Tilman Esslinger at the Department of Physics of ETH Zurich now reports on the controlled reversal of such a current by changing the interaction strength among the constituents of a quantum simulator made of extremely cold atoms trapped in shaped laser fields. The experiment, conducted by doctoral researcher Samuel Häusler and co-workers in the Esslinger […]

One step closer to efficient cannabis production

Micropropagation is a technique used for growing large quantities of new plants from fewer “parent” plants, yielding clones with the same, predictable qualities. student Lauren Kurtz, and Professor Mark Brand, in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture – have worked through some of the challenges of cannabis micropropagation of hemp. Currently, the commercial […]

One cup of leafy green vegetables a day lowers risk of heart disease

Researchers examined data from over 50,000 people residing in Denmark taking part in the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health Study over a 23-year period. The paper “Vegetable nitrate intake, blood pressure and incident cardiovascular disease: Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health Study” is published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. …Read the full story

Researchers analyzed circulating currents inside gold nanoparticles

Researchers in the Nanoscience Center of University of Jyvaskyla, in Finland and in the Guadalajara University in Mexico developed a method that allows for simulation and visualization of magnetic-field-induced electron currents inside gold nanoparticles. According to the classical electromagnetism, a charged particle moving in an external magnetic field experiences a force that makes the particle’s […]

Denmark’s largest battery – one step closer to storing green power in stones

The technology, which stores electrical energy as heat in stones, is called GridScale, and could become a cheap and efficient alternative to storing power from solar and wind in lithium-based batteries. There are not yet commercial solutions to this problem, but we hope to be able to deliver this with our GridScale energy storage system,” […]

Lateral flow testing should not be used as a green light for activities

The United Kingdom government plans to implement mass scale population testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection using Lateral Flow Devices , yet the devices’ sensitivity is unknown. LFDs are increasingly used to increase testing capacity and screen asymptomatic populations for SARS-CoV-2 infection in mass surveillance programs, yet there are few data indicating the performance of these devices. […]