Bitcoin’s Narrative as a Store of Value Gathers Momentum as Countries Reduce USD …

The possibility of Bitcoin becoming attractive as a store of value was explored by the Crypto Venture Advisor at Presight Capital, Patrick Hansen, who pointed out via Twitter that the war in Ukraine could accelerate the trend of counties allocating less USD to their foreign currency reserves. Mr. Hansen was responding to another Tweet that […]

Ethereum Is to Fintech What Bitcoin Is to Gold – Bloomberg Report

According to the report, the world is shifting towards the digitization of finance and Ethereum is best placed to revolutionize the old way of doing things. In addition to Ethereum being at the forefront of digitizing finance, the team at Bloomberg highlighted its current bullish momentum in the crypto markets as being similar to that […]

Bitcoin’s Top is Not In, Long Term Hodlers Are Still Accumulating BTC

Furthermore, the same long-term holders are actually accumulating more Bitcoin and currently hold 67% of the circulating supply, which is still lower than the amount held by long-term holders in 2017. Evidence of accumulation of Bitcoin by whales has been identified by the team at Santiment who shared their analysis in the tweet below. As […]

Bitcoin Will Probably Reach $10M in our Lifetimes – BTC Analyst

Bitcoin and Crypto analyst, Timothy Peterson, of Cane Island Alternative Advisors, has forecasted that Bitcoin could reach $10 million in our lifetimes. The research note goes on to explain that Bitcoin’s maximum price will likely be between $1 Million and $10 million and take roughly 15 to 30 years to achieve. …Read the full story