‘An alarming lack of net-zero progress’: Green economy reacts to latest CCC report

Reacting to the report, several key figures and groups from across the UK’s green economy have expressed disappointment, anger and renewed vigour to push Ministers for change. The Aldersgate Group’s executive director Nick Molho said: “The only way the UK can credibly protect its economy from climate risks and get on track for achieving net-zero […]

After Green Homes Grant failure, Government ‘dodges’ recommendations on energy-efficient homes

Published today , the response letter states that many of the concerns raised by the EAC, trade bodies and green groups will be addressed in the forthcoming Heat and Buildings Strategy. While the letter expresses agreement with several of the concerns raised by the EPC, including worries of an unjust transition, in which businesses, homes […]

Report: Just 6% of UK’s tax revenue is ‘green’

Produced by multinational professional services and law firm Pinsent Masons, the analysis reveals that £41bn was collected in so-called ‘green taxes’ during the last financial year. As well as looking at green ‘sticks’, the analysis assesses green ‘carrots’, charting tax breaks designed to incentivise more environmentally friendly actions such as switching to electric vehicles and […]