OpinionBlockchain for better: Untangling tokenisation and carbon markets – Ecosystem Marketplace

With the hype around web 3.0, it’s important to be mindful about which decentralised approaches to deploy in carbon markets, and – importantly – how to deploy them. This is why it’s important that when a token is marketed as a carbon credit or as delivering the impact a carbon credit represents – one tonne […]

Opinion:Where Does Healthy Critique End and Cynical Denial Begin? – Ecosystem Marketplace

The views expressed here are his and his alone, and they do not necessarily represent those of Ecosystem Marketplace, Verra, or any other organizations he is affiliated with. You can’t fact-check a half-truth until its context is clear, and by then you may have followed 20 of them in a row, each taking you a […]

Opinion: Will Coverage of Climate Solutions Suffer the Same Fate as … – Ecosystem Marketplace

News outlets are finally allocating resources to coverage of climate solutions, and most reporters are trying to get these complex issues right. Conservative-minded reporters ate it up, and legitimate publications followed suit, drawing more and more outlets into the narrative until “a wide spectrum of the media…felt obligated to treat these issues as scientific controversies.” […]

Voluntary Carbon Markets Top $1 Billion in 2021 with Newly Reported Trades,a Special …

In addition to EM’s unique offering of VCM and compliance market trade data and insights from a global network of nearly 180 EM Respondents reporting on projects located in over 80 countries, the EM Data Intelligence & Analytics Dashboard includes data from 14 carbon standards’ registries, as well as corporate climate commitment and carbon credit […]

Carbon Markets at COP26: Here’s What to Watch for – Ecosystem Marketplace

Stephen Donofrio: It’s been busy! After announcing last month that the voluntary carbon markets are on track to hit $1 billion for the first time in a calendar year in 2021, the Ecosystem Marketplace team has been greatly encouraged with incredible interest in our data and insights. In general, there seems to be conclusive awareness […]

Shades of REDD+Managing expectations for Glasgow: Art. 6 of the Paris Agreement and the …

However, those expecting that such a decision would lead to a flurry of investments into Article 6 transactions may see their hopes frustrated by governments’ and corporates’ lack of appetite for such transactions. Many have high hopes that finalizing the implementation arrangements for the ‘carbon market’ Article 6 will open the financial floodgates for unrestricted […]