Africa in the news: COP26 concludes, African repo bond market established, and Secretary …

The 26th Conference of Parties climate summit closed late last week, with few of Africa’s requests present in the conference’s final agreement. In addition, although developed countries have fallen short of their promise of $100 billion a year of climate financing by 2020 to developing countries, attendees pledged more financing, and the target of $100 […]

Climate finance meets low-carbon agtech – Brookings Institution

Headlining the climate finance discussions next week at COP26 may be the shortfall in advanced economies’ $100 billion annual pledge to help low- and middle-income countries adapt and further mitigate climate change. Solar and other renewables are enabling distributed, low-cost cold storage, irrigation, and processing capabilities that could be transformative for rural communities in Africa […]

Net zero carbon pledges have good intentions. But they are not enough. – Brookings Institution

At worst, these discriminate against poor, low-emitting countries, and could even push greenwashing — creating the false impression that countries’ policies are more environmentally friendly than they actually are. Today’s proven carbon capture technology at the point of emission has a high imputed carbon price, except where there is a specialized user of the CO2 […]

Hutchins Roundup: Public libraries, stock market jumps, and more

Gregory Gilpin of Montana State University, Ezra Karger of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Peter Nencka of Miami University find that capital investments in libraries of at least $100 per person served cause visits to surge by 21%. Generally, the authors find that markets are much less volatile following jumps whose causes are well-understood—and note that understanding of the […]