Metaverse Real Estate Trading Platform Upland Achieves Significant –

This status was reached by partnering with high-quality carbon removal provider Carbonfuture and their Negative Emission solution of capturing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it robustly for hundreds of years. After having led a carbon offset of the entire EOS blockchain in 2021, as part of initial efforts to address the carbon impact of its metaverse, […]

Moss Announces Third-Party Attestation Conducted By Armanino LLP With Real-Time …

Moss, climatech pioneer and global leader in the trading of blockchain carbon credits, is now offering on-demand transparency reporting through the implementation of ArmaninoLLP’s TrustExplorer Real-Time Attest platform. For the entrepreneur, Moss brings to the market even more transparency and security, since the Agreed Upon Procedures reporting process executed by Armanino LLP follow independent attestation […]

Clean Computing Company Crusoe Energy Selected As Launch Partner For Carbon Credit …

. This selected batch of the newest release of Bitcoin mining hardware was designed to achieve market leading environmental performance through best in class energy efficiency as well as a carbon offset program to neutralize emissions from the manufacturing process and the first year of operation. Crusoe’s selection for the first production allocations of the […]

GuildOne Inc. Launches Landmark IoT-Verified Carbon Credits On The Cardano Network

ESG1’s tokens include the carbon’s proof-of-origin, verified measurement and analysis using Validere’s commodity data cloud, and attestations certifying the data. We believe coming emissions goals will create increasing demand for solutions that ensure validation and audit trails,” said Zach DeWitt, a Partner at Wing VC and Validere investor. The technical space includes advanced technologies related […]