Taking a page from Liza’s playbook, Charles decided it was time to pursue his creative dreams and set out to be an author, rather than spend his whole life as a publishing executive.
As for Kelsey, the sassy millennial decided to bring her publishing hub out on her own, and she set out to find investors to help make that dream a reality.
To put things in her own words, Kelsey came to terms with the fact that she chooses terrible men, and she ended the series single and stronger than ever.
I had no idea how it was going to end and I remember reading the finale and I was like, “Oh my gosh, it couldn’t end any other way.” I felt very satisfied.
I love the scene in the bedroom where Liza says, “We’re not going to make it, are we?” The maturity of them just being able to realize that, and then the generosity of both of them in their futures, I thought was really beautiful.
I was always like, “How is it going to end?” And he was like, “You’ll see!” But here’s what I knew — the only thing that Darren told me is that she doesn’t end up with anyone and that she ends up being the boss at the end.
I knew she wasn’t going to end up with Charles, but I was like, “Oh my god, is it really just going to be like, ‘Ugh! Fucking Quinn!’” And I was like, “Nooooo!” So, I’m glad that Charles and Liza could have one last moment before they ultimately realized that Liza’s lie does have consequences — it’s why ultimately, they will never work.
It sounds like I’m copping out, but truly, that’s how I navigated playing the character — she was just as confused as I was as an actress.
When I was reading the final two scripts, I was filming a scene with Nico, and when I got to the end, I turned to him, and I was like, “Oh my god! It’s you and me! It’s you and me in the end!” I love the bookend, and how the end mirrored the pilot.
We’ll have to see when we do the reunion in five years! Nico and I have so much love and respect for one another, and it was Nico’s last scene so he was a bawling mess.
It was a really remarkable show to be a part of — cast and crew — I would love for their to be a reunion special.
But Liza, not so much because her love for that company and her love for Chrarles, really, is what keeps her there, as opposed to Kelsey.
Darren and the writers, they create these ridiculous and fun storylines, and the cast had a really special chemistry, and every episode, they leave you having to know what happens next.
“Younger” is ultimately based on a woman lying about her age, so that she can land a job that usually goes to a younger woman.
When I look at TV or movies, there is a lot more variety out there, as far as age and types and looks and diversity.