‘Solid Red and Gold’ Equals Pumping Polynesia

For those not familiar with Surfline’s color scale, that basically means Good-to-Epic waves — which basically means big, blue barrels — are on the way.

The rest of the exposed Polynesian Islands will see a run of surf, as well, including the south shores of Hawaii, where the energy will surge this weekend — and might not let up until next weekend.

This opened the door for storms spinning out from under New Zealand to move up into the Southwest Pacific, plus the added bonus of an enhanced fetch from the high sends stronger and better-aimed swell at Hawaii and Tahiti.

A second, stronger run of overlapping SW-SSW swells moves in this weekend and holds through early next week with Good-to-Epic conditions expected.

The front end of this run will be mostly fun-size and inviting to all types of boardriders – top spots will offer chest to head-high sets.

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