Signs point to cannabis catching on in comp | Business Insurance

“For a long time, workers compensation did not consider medical marijuana a treatment option.

Mendota Heights Dental Center et al., determining employees cannot be financially reimbursed for their use of medical cannabis to recover from a workplace injury on the basis that cannabis remains classified as a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law, and that it would be “inappropriate” to require employers to “finance” an employee’s acquisition of an illicit substance.

“New York in particular has been extremely proactive with regard to implementing medical marijuana into the workers compensation arena,” said Ronald Mazariegos, vice president of claims and vendor management at Arrowood Indemnity Co.

CBD is also gaining traction as an alternative therapy in pain management, said Dr.

“I was of the mindset that it did not have real medicinal purpose for many years,” Dr.

“It became part of my toolkit to reduce opioids, so much so that in the past seven to eight years now, we’re over 65% opioid reduction in my practice,” Dr.

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