Senator admits he was wrong about cannabis (Newsletter: March 21, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

The ACLU of Maryland, NAACP Maryland State Conference, League of Women Voters of Maryland, Maryland Office of the Public Defender and other organizations sent a letter urging legislative leaders to advance racial justice-focused marijuana legalization.

Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

The National Industrial Hemp Council of America sent letters to the Food and Drug Administration and Association of American Feed Control Officials arguing that hemp should be added as a safe ingredient in the animal feed supply chain.

An Illinois Valley Soil and Water Conservation District report concluded that 82 percent of all marijuana grows in that region of Oregon with more than 12 plants were unregistered illegal operations.

Better Organizing to Win Legalization, Our Revolution, Drug Policy Alliance, National Employment Law Project and other organizations sent a letter urging House leaders to hold a floor vote on a federal marijuana legalization bill.
A lawsuit filed against Cartersville, Georgia and local police agencies over the mass arrest of more than 60 party attendees for possession of marijuana has been settled, with defendants agreeing to pay $900,000.

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