Self-service helps fuel cannabis dispensaries’ nationwide expansion

A total of 17 states currently have legal adult use, as shown on the accompanying chart.

The cannabis industry’s job growth in 2020 doubled that of the prior year, according to the Leafly Jobs report.

Industry veteran Juan Perez, former CEO of Adusa Inc., a kiosk software and digital engagement provider, outlined some of these challenges in the 2020 Kiosk Industry Census.

Regulatory constraints also create challenges for self-serve kiosks, such as guest identification and purchase limits.

“It’s really incumbent upon the software companies in the kiosk space to make something that works well,” in terms of integrating with the retail POS, Asnani told Kiosk Marketplace in a phone interview.

kiosks with Elo software for the recreational cannabis kiosks, which account for closes to 10% of the recreational cannabis transactions.

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