Science: The “Lazy Stoner” Stereotype Is Nonsense; Marijuana Users Are Actually More Active

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego’s Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Longevity Science looked at responses to the 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Researchers found that on the whole, cannabis users’ activity rates, as measured by the accelerometers, did not “significantly differ” from non-users.

And half of cannabis users also reported smoking cigarettes; respondents who did not smoke tobacco also tended to be more active.

Why is this, what’s going on? The study didn’t examine what pharmacological effects, if any, might be encouraging cannabis users to be more active, or why frequent cannabis users tended to be more active than non-current users.

I’m an award-winning investigative reporter and I’ve covered the legalization movement and the cannabis industry with a political economy lens for more than a decade.

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