San Jose commission considers rezone for cannabis businesses

On Wednesday, the Planning Commission will consider changes to rules for new dispensaries, enabling them to expand beyond industrial zoning areas and into commercial areas.

Currently, cannabis retailers—both storefronts and cultivation sites—are only allowed to operate in industrial zones.

The proposal coming before the commission would also allow up to 10 new cannabis businesses for equity applicants only, up to five of which may be retail storefronts.

The commission will also consider making more stringent setback requirements for dispensaries.

Under the new proposal, staff recommend dispensaries be 600 feet from daycare centers and youth centers only in the downtown core, and maintain a 1,000-foot setback for all other locations in the city.

De La Rosa said that’s because adding new stores doesn’t necessarily mean bringing in new customers, so more locations will disperse clientele.

“It’s going to allow San Jose to collect more fees,” De La Rosa said.

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