Rising interest rates not expected to dampen Nunavut house prices | Nunatsiaq News

But the situation is more complicated in Iqaluit, she said.

Robert Hogue, a senior economist with RBC, said his bank believes the Bank of Canada will raise the interest rate three times in 2022, with each rate hike being at 0.25 per cent.

In a typical year, the NHC would build approximately 80 housing units, Hooey said.

Part of the reason the NHC cannot afford to match the rising costs of homebuilding is because it is on a fixed budget that was set when inflation was at a stable two per cent.

The Government of Nunavut does not having an obligation under the Nunavut Act or the Land Claim to supply housing, so stop.

I sold my 3 bedroom house in a quieter area of town for close to a million.

This Facebook mob includes A CURRENT CITY COUNCILLOR who dragged a fellow citizen through the mud for selling their house at a market rate.

GN housing policy’s, local hamlet bylaws and crazy municipal bills, power Corp, and if you happen to be ambitious enough to work at a mine you have to pay between 12-17 hundred a month and the welfare person and drug dealer and bootlegger next to you pays 60 dollars a month.

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