Review: ‘Succession’ season 3 finale contained major power grabs

Four siblings and a cousin vying for control of a multi-million-dollar media company – that’s the premise of “Succession.” Last night, the third season of the HBO show wrapped up with some major power grabs.

CORNISH: I was only teasing – spoiler alerts ahead for the whole conversation, starting with the fate of the troubled sibling Kendall Roy, played by Jeremy Strong.

And Jeremy Strong delivers these amazing performances, including last night when he revealed to his siblings that he accidentally killed someone, and their father, Logan Roy, played by Brian Cox, covered it up.

Now, the biggest development here is that the three siblings most involved in the business – that’s Kendall, Roman and Shiv Roy – they banded together to try and stop their father from selling the company to this Elon Musk-style tech entrepreneur.

But the sale isn’t just about them losing power; it’s about their father telling the world that he would rather sell their company to someone else than leave it for any one of them to run.

She also had a conversation with her mother, Logan’s ex-wife, that highlighted how Logan manipulates everybody in the family.

We spent way too much time watching Kendall kind of fall apart and not enough watching this family come to grips with itself.

So can the Roy children kind of toss off the damaging impact of their parents and find a better future together? Well, you know, probably not, because it’s “Succession,” but it’s going to be fun seeing them try.

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