Reimagine Your Life With Bitcoin

This work follows the chronological order of “Beyond Order.” Each piece represents one chapter and the corresponding subtitles below match the subtitles in the original work.

We’ve all suffered financial setbacks: blindly following a friend’s investment advice, unexpected financial burdens or falling prey to a ponzi scheme.

But an unwillingness to explore this potential will at best stunt your growth and at worst leave you vulnerable, due to your static nature, as paradigms shift.

Ask the average person “why is gold valuable?” and the common response is “because that’s the way it’s always been.” Hold a piece of gold in your hand and its allure is instinctual.

Suspend your belief and imagine you witness a spiritual figure part the Pacific Ocean , allowing you to walk through and exit the other side wiser, richer and freer; you emerge inspired by the knowledge that a better future has arrived.

Bitcoin maximalists are fanatics because our existence has transformed our lives, and we are constantly retelling and reworking this ultimately meaningful story for the betterment of our peers.

The Monopoly Cheater, villain of this simple story, is repulsively memorable and must be retold because any violation of an unwritten rule attacks morality, decency and order at an individual and societal level.

We may not have the power to fix our incumbent game, but we can choose to join in a new game: Bitcoin fixes this.

These trillion dollar stimulus packages may be legally approved yet it doesn’t take a lawyer to know our social contract is being abused.

Humans have engineered solutions to bring order to that chaos, turning them into predictable systems of utility.

Annuit cœptis is Latin for “providence has favored our undertakings.” Put another way, our most powerful watch over those who are committed to something meaningful.

With respect to magical language, Satoshi had the courage to propose the Bitcoin white paper then later implemented it in code ; something our ancestors would certainly compare to magic.

The Latin phrase “E pluribus unum” means “Out of many, one.” The phrase is inscribed on our coins, included within the Great Seal of the United States and is the motto of the United States Marines.

On the surface, it seems to have its merit, yet we know money that is easily reproduced violates sound money principles and inevitably leads to unintended consequences.

To find what you most need, you may need to deconstruct ideas you were born into, and that is not a place most people wish to look.

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