Record Store Day 2021: Here’s what Milwaukee shops have planned

Kinnickinnic Ave., is not partaking in Record Store Day, although the shop is open for business.

New CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays, and used vinyl are 10% off; used CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays are 35% off.

Last year, the shop moved to a much larger location in South Milwaukee, at 1219 Milwaukee Ave., before the pandemic started, and Record Store Day Saturday will double as its reopening.

And local writer Jim Cryns will be outside the shop Saturday selling and signing copies of a new book, “1812 Overture Record Stores & Stadium Rock Concert Tours.” The book looks at the network of Milwaukee record stores, radio stations and promoters in the 1970s, including Alan Dulberger, who ran the 1812 Overture record stores and founded Daydream Productions, which booked Bruce Springsteen at the Uptown Theater, Pink Floyd at County Stadium and other milestone local rock shows.

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